Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 2... I'm still alive!

Day 2 in the bag!

It was a little tough going because it snowed here last night, so the street was a little slippery. I walked on peoples' yards where possible. Almost fell a few times. Falling while walking down the street - that'd SO be a Lindsay move! I walked the same distance in less time. Suppose I should up my distance on Sunday morning, eh? (Oh yeah - I just pulled out the "eh")

Walking in the cold was kind of nice. Woke me up a little that's for sure!

Why didn't any of you tell me I was going to need tissues??? The second I start walking, it's like a faucet was turned on! Maybe I'll go old school and get a hankie.....

I guess congrats need to go out to the Cards for forcing Game 7. Poor Rangers..... they were thisclose last night!

190 days until I meet the Zombies!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Don't give up....

....the beginning is always the hardest!

Ain't that the truth!

My first run turned in to a walk - and I'm ok with that! It took me 8 minutes to get my butt out of bed. Door to door, I walked for a full 30 minutes. I jogged 4 times for about 5 seconds.

Some things I saw and realized:

1. I am not ready for C25K yet. But that's ok! I'll keep walking and jogging little bits till I'm ready!
2. There's a lot of traffic on my road at 7am.
3. I love my new long sleeve t-shirt! I might have to go buy more of them.
4. There's a lot of trash on my street - blah
5. I cannot imagine doing this in the summer. I might have to be a cold-weather exerciser
6. I LOVE NICKELBACK.... but I (and most of you) already knew that ;-)
7. My friends and family are super supportive! Thanks everyone!!
8. I Can Do This!

Part of my motivation to start doing this was that my friend, Jess, posted on another friend's Facebook page about a run called Run For Your Lives. It's tagline is "A Zombie Infested 5k Obstacle Course Race". Need I say more?

I always see Jess talking to other people about running and I know she has overcome some weight issues. If she can do it - why can't? And an added bonus - I can prepare for the Zombiepocalypse at the same time!

192 days to go till I meet some Zombies!

Day 1
October 26, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Here I Go!

I've had enough! I've been overweight for almost 10 years and I've had enough!

My plan - the Couch 2 5K program
My inspiration - me, my family, and this guy...

My plan is to share my journey here. Mostly for me - so that I can see how far I've come, so I can be accountable to something other than my head. And who knows, maybe I'll kick ass at this and inspire someone else to do the same.

Tomorrow morning, I jog!